A Beginning and the End.

Some beginnings are very special and welcome while others not so much. The beginning of a new year does present a great opportunity for setting things right, as much as possible. While some believe the turn of the day is no more than a difference between today and tomorrow (ending one day and anticipating the next), others seize it as another opportunity to beginning afresh. Some may argue that beginning with an end in focus might ruin one’s “pleasure in the joys of the present moment” or distract one from “being grateful for the gift of beginning”. However, another viewpoint could be that having some awareness of the end can make a beginning even more enjoyable – knowing that all things come to an end and so taking time to maximise your enjoyment of the present moment while making the proper arrangements in anticipation of that end. An Estate Plan is one such arrangement one can make in this regard.

An Estate plan is devising the distribution of your assets/property either during your lifetime, at your passing and after your passing; it means being deliberate in anticipating and structuring the transmission of your Estate to your next generation. Where you do not have an estate plan in place, you leave your assets at the mercy of others and your estate will thus be subject to the laws of intestacy which are convoluted and may discourage your survivors and ultimately lead to a loss of your legacy.

There are various forms of estate plans from which one may select one or a combination of options depending on the family situation, health, types of assets and location, estate value, etc. A few examples are living trusts, Wills, deeds of gift, powers of attorney, powers of appointment, beneficiary designations, property ownership, life insurance, gifts inter vivos, in some cases nuptial agreements, etc. It helps to seek professional advice from a Trustee or a Solicitor.

This year, why not take the opportunity to put an Estate Plan in place with the Vetiva Estate Planning & Advisory Services.

For more information contact: trustees@vetiva.com.